Default Client ConfigurationΒΆ

# #############################################################################
# Backup Configuration File for DRLM centralized configuration.               #
#                                                                             #
# This file has been generated by instclient , It can be modified at your     #
# convenience, see or    #
# for more information.                                                       #
#                                                                             #
#         (Configuration examples in /usr/share/drlm/conf/samples/)           #

# DRLM v2.4.7

# DRLM automatically generates a ReaR configuration file in function of three
# variable values, DRLM_BKP_TYPE,  DRLM_BKP_PROT and DRLM_BKP_PROG.
# DRLM_BKP_PROT --> transport protocol (RSYNC or NETFS)
# DRLM_BKP_PROG --> backup program (RSYNC or TAR)
# Backup type ISO generates a rescue image in ISO format and backup data is stored
# in a DRLM server directory.
#  |-- DRLM_BKP_PROT="RSYNC" (Default)
#       |-- DRLM_BKP_PROG="TAR"
#       |-- DRLM_BKP_PROG="RSYNC"
# Backup type ISO_FULL generates a rescue image in ISO format that also contains the data
# Is important to know that the iso image is generated in the client and once done is send
# to DRLM server. For that the client needs to have as mush free space as its own ISO. If
# the client have not enough free space to generate the ISO is possible to user ISO_FULL_TMP
# that generates the ISO image in a NFS temporaly directory of DRLM server.
#   or
# Backup type PXE generates the PXE files suitable for booting with pxelinux over the network
# and backup data is stored in a DRLM server directory.
#       |-- DRLM_BKP_PROG="TAR"
#       |-- DRLM_BKP_PROG="RSYNC"
# Backup type DATA only does data bakup, it does not generate a rescue image. Backup type DATA
# must be used in conjunction with the parameter BACKUP_PROG_INCLUDE described below and it
# may be useful to use it by enabling incremental backups, DRLM_INCREMENTAL, also described below.
#  |-- DRLM_BKP_PROT="RSYNC" (Default)
#      |-- DRLM_BKP_PROG="TAR"
#      |-- DRLM_BKP_PROG="RSYNC"

# Default backup type, protocol and program


# SSH_ROOT_PASSWORD defines a password for remote access to the recovery system as 'root' via SSH
# without requiring a public/private key pair. This password is valid only while the recovery system
# is running and will not allow access afterwards to the restored target system.
# In the recovery system the password is stored in hashed MD5 format (do not forget the password).
# Both SSH_ROOT_PASSWORD='plain_text_password' and SSH_ROOT_PASSWORD='hashed_password' are possible.
# To avoid a plain text password in the etc/rear/local.conf config file
# generate a hashed password with the command
#   echo 'my_recovery_system_root_password' | openssl passwd -1 -stdin
# and use the output of openssl to set SSH_ROOT_PASSWORD='output_of_openssl'
# (single quotes avoid issues with the special bash character $ in the openssl output).
# SSH_ROOT_PASSWORD is ignored when SSH_FILES is set to a 'false' value.

# Additional DRLM Configurations #

# ================================
# ==== History Backup files ======
# ================================

# Max numbers of backups for client backup configration to keep in filesystem

# ================================
# ===== Incremental Backups ======
# ================================

# DRLM_INCREMENTAL by defautl incremental backups are disabled. Put
# this var to "yes" in order to enable

# DRLM_INCREMENTAL_HIST defines how many snaps to save

# 0 - Always incremental. When DRLM_INCREMENTAL_HIST is exceeded deletes the oldest snap. HISTBKPMAX is ignored.
# 1 - New and empty DR File. When DRLM_INCREMENTAL_HIST is exceeded makes a New and empty DR File before runbackup
# 2 - New inherited DR File. When DRLM_INCREMENTAL_HIST is exceeded makes a New DR File from last backup.

# ================================
# ======= Pretty Options =========
# ================================

# Backups of less than BACKUP_SIZE_STATUS_FAILED in megabytes will show in red color in list backups

# Backups of less than BACKUP_SIZE_STATUS_WARNING in megabytes will show in orange color in list backups

# Backups that take less than BACKUP_TIME_STATUS_FAILED in seconds will show in red color in list backups

# Backups that take less than BACKUP_TIME_STATUS_WARNING in secods will show in orange color in list backups

# Additional ReaR Configurations #

# ================================
# ========== Data Only ===========
# ================================

# When DRLM_BKP_TYPE is set to 'DATA' value
# only what is specified in BACKUP_PROG_INCLUDE will be in the backup
# but not implicitly also all local filesystems as defined in mountpoint_device:

# ================================
# ========= Exclusions ===========
# ================================

# Exclude LVM2 volume groups. This will automatically exclude also the creation of the
# corresponding physical and logical volumes that belong to the excluded volume group.
# You must also exclude the corresponding mountpoints in EXCLUDE_MOUNTPOINTS (see above)
# otherwise "rear recover" would try to recreate the filesystems onto non-existing LVs.
# EXCLUDE_VG=( 'Volume_Grup1' 'Volume_Grup2' )

# Exclude filesystems by specifying their mountpoints. Will be automatically added to the
# $BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE array during backup to prevent the excluded filesystems' data to
# be backed up
# EXCLUDE_MOUNTPOINTS=( '/Mount_Point1' '/Mount_Point2' )

# BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE is an array of strings that get written into a backup-exclude.txt file
# that is used e.g. in 'tar -X backup-exclude.txt' to get things excluded from the backup.
# Proper quoting of the BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE array members is crucial to avoid bash expansions.
# In /etc/rear/local.conf use BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE+=( '/this/*' '/that/*' )
# to specify your particular items that should be excluded from the backup in addition to what
# gets excluded from the backup by default here (see also BACKUP_ONLY_EXCLUDE below):
# BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE+=( '/backup*' '/var/lib/rear/*' '/dev/vx/*' '/dev/dmpconfig/*' '/dev/dmpconfig' '/dev/vx/dmpconfig' )

# When BACKUP_ONLY_EXCLUDE is set to a 'true' value
# only what is specified in BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE will be excluded from the backup
# but not implicitly also all excluded mountpoints in EXCLUDE_MOUNTPOINTS:

# ================================
# ========= Inclusions ===========
# ================================

# Only include LVM2 volume groups - the opposite of EXCLUDE_VG (handy if you only want vg00 to be included)
# EXCLUDE_VG and EXCLUDE_MOUNTPOINTS will get populated automatically, if needed
# syntax : e.g. ONLY_INCLUDE_VG=( "vg00" "vg01" )
# ONLY_INCLUDE_VG=( 'Volume_Grup1' 'Volume_Grup2' )

# ================================
# ======== Custom Scripts ========
# ================================

# NOTE: The scripts can be defined as an array to better handly spaces in parameters.
# The scripts are called like this: eval "${PRE_RECOVERY_SCRIPT[@]}"

# Call this after Relax-and-Recover did everything in the recover workflow.
# Use $TARGET_FS_ROOT (by default '/mnt/local') to refer to the recovered system.

# Call this before Relax-and-Recover starts to do anything in the recover workflow. You have the rescue system but nothing else

# PRE/POST Backup scripts will provide the ability to run certain tasks before and after a ReaR backup.
# for example:
#   If a small database running on local filesystem and dependent on a local service, you will maintain its data consistency.
#   Stopping it before backup and restarting again after.
#   In case of any error during backup, if POST tasks were defined, ReaR will run those POST tasks within ExitTasks Array.
#   This will prevent that the database remain stopped.

# Call this after Relax-and-Recover finished to do anything in the mkbackup/mkbackuponly workflow.

# Call this before Relax-and-Recover starts to do anything in the mkbackup/mkbackuponly workflow.

# ================================
# ======== Boot Over SAN =========
# ================================

# Use this setup if your client boot disks are not internal but in a SAN/Disk Cabinet.

#MODULES=( ${MODULES[@]} dm-multipath )
#MODULES_LOAD=( ${MODULES_LOAD[@]} dm-multipath )

# ================================
# ======= SLES with BTRFS ========
# ================================

# NOTE: This config was tested and works for latest SLE12 and SLE15 systems with default BTRFS layouts.
#       Check carefully your BTRFS layout, as SUSE changed it on each SP iteration since they relaesed it
#       first time in SLES11 until they met the actual layout. If your systems were upgraded from thesie early
#       versions with BTRFS check your layout properly to adjust the configuration for a success recover.

#REQUIRED_PROGS=( ${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]} 'snapper' 'chattr' 'lsattr' )
#COPY_AS_IS=( ${COPY_AS_IS[@]} '/usr/lib/snapper/installation-helper' '/etc/snapper/config-templates/default' )
#BACKUP_PROG_EXCLUDE=( '/.snapshots' )
#POST_RECOVERY_SCRIPT=( 'if snapper --no-dbus -r $TARGET_FS_ROOT get-config | grep -q "^QGROUP.*[0-9]/[0-9]" ; then snapper --no-dbus -r $TARGET_FS_ROOT set-config QGROUP= ; snapper --no-dbus -r $TARGET_FS_ROOT setup-quota && echo snapper setup-quota done || echo snapper setup-quota failed ; else echo snapper setup-quota not used ; fi' )

# =======================================
# ======= Complex Network setups ========
# =======================================

# If you have complex network setups on your systems you may need to setup your network in recovery before starting the recover process.
# This is an example of a system with vlan tagging. Check if your HW vendor supports this kind of setup in UEFI to be able to
# set a default VLAN ID in a NIC for bootingi when tagging/trunk is enabled.
# Here the example to auto conrfigure the complex setup in recovery:
#   VLAN ID of DRLM network: 2011
#   DRLM Client IP address:
#   Network Interface Card: eno50

#NETWORKING_PREPARATION_COMMANDS=( 'modprobe 8021q' 'ip link add link eno50 name eno50.2011 type vlan id 2011' 'ip link set dev eno50 up' 'ip link set dev eno50.2011 up' 'ip addr add brd dev eno50.2011' 'return' )